Hiring Instruments

If you would like to try lessons before committing to buying an instrument, I have a small number of keyboards and stage pianos available to privately hire at a cost of £30 per term. The instruments available are:

Beginner Keyboard (suitable for the first year of learning) 

Advanced Keyboard (suitable up to Grade 5)

Touch Response Stage Piano (suitable for the first year of learning) 

Weighted Stage Piano (suitable up to Grade 5)

Terms and Conditions (Please read carefully)

  • Instruments are hired from sf-keys for a period of at least one term.
  • Instruments are subject to availability following receipt of an application form. Hire is charged termly via invoice
  • The safekeeping, insurance and maintenance of this instrument is the responsibility of the hirer. Please note that standard household insurance may not cover an instrument left unsupervised in a vehicle. The instrument should be stored away from direct sources of heat and light and protected from extreme weather conditions. Any accidental damage or loss of the instrument should be reported to sf-keys immediately and further advice may be given on how to proceed. Any additional repair or replacement costs may be passed on to the hirer, if deemed necessary.

If you are interested, please complete the on-line application form